The word slot is a Middle English noun, originally referring to a hollow on the base of the throat above the breastbone. It is from the late 14c. and derives from the Old French esclot. It may also derive from Old Norse slod. The word’s meaning as a verb first appears in the 1520s. Its usage in reference to machines and slots is from 1888.
The slot is also a position in hockey. In ice hockey, it is the area in front of the goalie. It represents the area where there is the highest chance of a shot to score without deflection. Players can shoot accurately from the slot because they have a clear line of sight of the net. Defenders are more likely to establish the slot as a no-man’s land. So, it is important to make use of this area.
There are several types of slot machines, including video and progressive. These machines can be operated by using paper tickets, cash, or barcodes. The slot machine spins a series of reels, and if winning combinations appear, a player receives credits according to the paytable. The symbols on slot machines vary, but the most common symbols are fruits, bells, and stylized lucky sevens. In addition to fruit symbols, most machines offer special bonus features.
In computers, expansion slots are a common technology. These slots allow a computer to expand its capability. Typically, they include 16 to 64 pinholes, which allow expansion boards to be installed. A computer can also have disk drives installed in expansion slots. These are called “bays,” and can be located in the front or back of the computer. If you have a laptop, it is likely to have slots. It is essential that you understand the role of slots in computer systems.